Longview Hut, Ruahine Forest Park, Wednesday March 4 2015
Twelve people set off for Longview Hut, noting DoC vehicles with trailerloads of firewood ready to be helicoptered to the hut.
It was cloudy when we began. The new track zig-zags up the hill and is much easier than the old route. There were a few stops on the way up and it took about two hours to reach the hut. It was very windy on the higher points.
When we arrived, there were DoC workers busy taking the gas heater out and replacing it with a fire box. They were also building a wood shed and a long-drop toilet. We had late morning tea and (for some) an early lunch.
Four went on towards Rocky Knob, three went on the Top Gorge track to the waterfall and three went back to the car park. We met Vic on the track and John did his own thing. When we came down, the wind had dropped, the sun had come out and it was very hot. Everyone had a good day.Trampers : Kelvin Shaw, Peter Slagter, Tony Pluymers, Wai Anderson, Robyn Smith, Lyn Bowcock, Joanne Tonge, John Burrell, Vic Bullock, Murray White, John Marshall and reporter Dorothy Sole.
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