AGM 2018
– Committee
– Annual Subscription
– Online Booking for Tramps
Mt Hikurangi – Te Ara ki Hikurangi, June 2 – 4 (Queen’s Birthday Weekend)
The Backcountry Trust
Kawhatau Base
AGM 2018
– Kelvin Shaw stood and was re-elected as Club President. Kelvin has given notice that this will be his last year as President.
– The position of Club Captain is vacant.
– Jude Paton has stood down from the Committee.
– Marie Deroles and Lynette Morgan have both been elected onto the Committee.
– All other committee positions remain.
Our thanks to Alison Greer, who held Committee positions for the past 15 years, holding the position of Club Captain for the past 10 years. Alison was presented with a bouquet and card from the NTC club members.
Annual Subscription
At the AGM the Membership Fees for the 2018 – 2019 year were confirmed at the current level, and are now due.
– $40 per individual or $50 per family.
We would prefer to receive via online banking. The account number is 03 1517 0018902 00. Please ensure you include your name in the reference section. Alternatively a cheque made payable to Napier Tramping Club or cash to our Treasurer Juliet Gillick will be acceptable.
Online Booking for Tramps
At the AGM last evening I was re-elected President, and we have a full Committee with key positions filled, with one exception.
The position of Club Captain is now officially vacant.
In anticipation of a vacancy or at best a new recruit to the role of Club Captain we have been assessing how to make the role easier.
So with that in mind, changes were announced last night about the procedure for booking names on the Tramps.
The key parts are:
• Each Tramp will have a Tramp Organiser the names and contact details are on the Trip List on the Web Page Diary. If you cannot get to the meeting to put your name in the book, then you must contact the Tramp Organiser nominated for that Tramp. (please do not contact Alison)
• There will be a cut off time for making a booking. 9.00 pm on Thursday for the Sat Tramps, and 9.00 pm on Monday for the Wednesday Tramp.
• The Tramp Organiser will arrange for a Trip Leader to take charge of the Tramping aspect of the outing.
• Each Tramp will have a Trip Leader. This person may also be the Tramp Organiser but most likely not, but will be an experienced Tramper.
• We are formulating guide notes and duties for both the Tramp Organiser and Trip Leader, in the mean time the roles are filled by experienced members.
• As soon as is practical we will be moving to an online booking system. Further information on that will come later.
The above information is also posted on the ‘Diary’ page, where the trip list is found.
If any member wants to clarify their understanding of these changes then feel free to call me. 8367094
Mt Hikurangi – Te Ara ki Hikurangi, June 2 – 4 (Queen’s Birthday Weekend)
DoC Track Description: Time: Car park to hut: 4 – 5 hr, Hut to summit: 2 – 3 hr
Walk across Pakihiroa Station to Hikurangi summit. Yellow markers show the route from the carpark to the hut. Marker poles show the route from the hut up the mountain, although the last 400 m up a scree slope are unmarked – keep left all the way.
Accommodation (Booked for NTC)
There is a hut available for public use on the track, administered by Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou. Bookings should be made through Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou. Check alerts on this page to find out if it is closed. Camping is not permitted.
The Backcountry Trust
The Backcountry trust has a new website
Funding round 8 is now open and closes on the 30th May. If you have a favourite hut that needs a bit of work or a track in need of some maintenance, you can apply for funds. Talk to DoC first about what you would like to do. The last one was Top Gorge and we would love to see some more of the funding end up in the Ruahines. Author: John Beech,FMC Executive.
Kawhatau Base
Kawhatau Base is due to go live on the Booking for the 1st May 2018. It will be a sole facility booking at a rate of $60 per night.
The track from the Rangitane Scenic Reserve it yet to be cut, however in planned to be in near Spring.
Shaun Ruddle
Senior Ranger Rec/His
DoC Manawatu
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