AGM: May 7, 2015
We had a great turnout to the AGM. Unfortunately Julia (President) could not be present due to her viral cold. We will be posting the minutes here as soon as they are finalised.
We said farewell to Ingrid Stevens who has been our Treasurer for the past three years, and to Colin McNatty who is standing down from the committee so that he can focus on recovering from his illness. Thank you to both for your service and contribution to the club.
We welcome onto the committee Geoff Donkin and John Dobbs, both long-standing members of the club.
Juliet Gillick is our new Treasurer. Juliet is a qualified accountant.
Lastly, Frances Bernsten volunteered to join the committee and was nominated by Paul Exeter and seconded by Ray Slavin.
A committee meeting has been set for May 28 at Alison Greer’s home.
Trip Planning Meetings
These are taking place now for the Saturday and Wednesday tramps. Get your ideas in to Alison please.
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