NTC 40th Anniversary
Birds of New Zealand
Tell everybody u TRAMP!
NTC 40th Anniversary Tramps and Dinner, Saturday October 4.
The Kaweka J tramp will leave from the Park Island (Shrimpton Field) carpark at 7:30am. Please note the change in time. Transport will be by hired van, and petrol money for the return trip to Makahu Saddle $20. We expect to be back in Napier by 3 pm. The estuary tramp will start from Humber Street carpark, by the kayak hire outlet. This will leave at 10:00am and take approximately 2hrs.
Napier Tramping Club is 40 years old this year. The club’s first tramp was to Kaweka J, in the Kaweka Forest Park on October 5, 1974.The invitation has now been sent out to all club members (August 17th). The invite is attached. NTC invite Current and former members are invited to celebrate the 40-year milestone, either on the tramp or at the club’s anniversary dinner – or both!
If you are unable to view this pdf file, then you need to install Adobe reader. Link to download this is you are attending the dinner, we request payment in advance either by cheque made out to Napier Tramping Club and posted to 1395 Puketitiri Road, RD4, Napier 4184 or via internet banking to the following account: Westpac, Napier Subbranch, Account No 03 1517 0018902-26, marked Dinner for our reference. If you wish to telephone, Julia can be reached on 06 844 0540 or Alison on 844 8152.
Birds of New Zealand
Brent Stephenson our speaker on Thursday September 4th, was excellent. His book is for sale, and I can thoroughly recommend it. Contact him through his website Wrybill Birding Tours.
Tell everybody uTRAMP!
Are you displaying the iTramp bumper sticker? The motif doesn’t replace the logo created in 1974, but is intended to promote the club. Stickers are available from Julia Mackie, and business cards from John Dobbs. Let’s show ourselves off to the world!
I believe the unknown tramper in the photo on your website is Ray Slavin.
Thank you Jane, I will show Ray this pix. Will bring back some good memories. Julia.