Trip planning meeting:
Monday 4 November at Alison’s home at 7.00pm. This is for Saturday and Wednesday tramps from January to June 2025. Email any suggestions to Alison at
Upcoming events: A message from Di Reid
7 November – Our next usual meeting because of Labour w/e. Our speakers will be Tony Wrightson and Sue talking on their Laugavegur Mountain Hiking plus Iceland’s iconic highlights. Expect some fantastic photos.
5 December – Thursday NTC Christmas celebrations (partners and friends most welcome). Please mark it on your calendar. I’ll be in touch nearer the time asking you to bring a mains or desserts when I’ve worked it out. I’ll be away now until the end of the month and November is quite busy with work. We’ll be at Christmas before we know it.
From FMC Love our Huts:
Here is the list of those available nationwide. Love Our Huts LIST OF AVAILABLE HUTS 3 Oct
Taraponui i-Networks camera link
We have added a link to this camera on the Home Page, Useful Links at the bottom of the page. The camera is updated every 15 minutes and faces west. Useful if you’re planning a trip nearby.
Wilding pine update
Graham Leech reports:
Nine of us (Giles, Connor, Alan, Alexia, Jenny, John, Keith, Mark and I) dealt to 2717 contorta pines at The Lakes on 2 October. Armed with a DoC map of some air-spotted bigger ones, we found these and poisoned them and then covered the clay pans on the south-eastern faces for many smaller ones. Real progress here at The Lakes (it feels “under control”). We’ll be heading back to Kohinga and potentially starting at Comet soon.
Our next day is Wednesday 6 November. Usual arrangements – meet at Omahu/Fernhill just as the Napier Taihape Rd starts by the cemetery at 8am to carpool up to Kuripapango – bring lunch and clothes for bush-bashing. We will supply tools, first aid, plb etc. We aim to be back about 3pm; latest 4pm. Weather forecast is currently so good we could almost plan a swim at lunch!
Giles and I are heading off to the National Wilding Pine Conference in Taupo later in October.
Ruahine Whio Protection Trust 2025 Calendar
Ruahine Whio Protection Trust has produced another lovely Wild Ruahine calendar for 2025.
If you would like to continue to support the trust’s work, you can purchase a copy direct from
The cost is $20 + 4.90 P&P.
From the archives
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