Leon Kinvig Hut, Ruahine Forest Park, Saturday/Sunday 20/21 August 2022 Banner Photo: The view south-west from the ridgeline, with dramatic clouds Six trampers took to the road for the Apiti Track in reasonable weather. By 0830, it was boots on and off we went into a light rain. It soon cleared and we had dry… [Read More]
Tussock Tops are alluring
Overnight trip to Hinerua Hut, Ruahine FP, Saturday/Sunday 22-23 August 2020 Banner Pix: Ohuinga on the left and Broken Ridge on the right We left Napier bang on 0700 and travelled to Mill Road, behind Ongaonga. Arrangements had been made with the farmer to access the Tukituki across his land, which reduced the tramp time… [Read More]
A sweet surprise at Howletts Hut
Howletts Hut, Ruahine FP, Sat/Sun 25/26 May 2019 Banner Pix: Howletts Hut, looking towards Tiraha and Ohuinga with Black Ridge on the right Six trampers departed Napier at 0700. Alison had organised with the local farmer for access across his land, reducing the amount of climbing to be done to reach the ridge before dropping… [Read More]