Makahu Saddle Hut to Iron Whare, Kaweka FP, Wednesday 9 June 2021 Banner Photo: Iron Whare sitting on a ridgeline Thirteen of us gathered at Park Island on a grey but surprisingly warm Wednesday. Rain held off as we made a pleasant journey into the Kaweka Forest Park; Bruce drove his car and John was… [Read More]
Iron Whare, no worry. But then, the ‘Iron Man’ foray
Saturday 25 August, 2018. Makahu Saddle, Kaweka Flats, Iron Whare, and off track down to Makahu River and up to the Fire Pond/Reservoir. Kaweka FP, Map: BJ37 Banner pic: The ranges from the scenic lookout/fire pond The walk from Makahu Saddle car park at the end of Kaweka Road in the Kaweka ranges to Iron… [Read More]
Scrub-crushers visit the Iron Whare
Scenic Lookout to Iron Whare, to Kaweka Flats Bivvy, to Makahu Saddle car park. Kaweka FP. Wednesday, September 16, 2015. Map: BJ37 We were 22 trampers off on a trip to the Kawekas via Puketitiri and the road to the Makahu. Luckily, the day was brilliantly fine and the forecast nor-westerlies had not reached their… [Read More]
A visit to Iron Whare via Pinnacle Stream
Iron Whare, Kaweka FP, Saturday February 22. Map: BK37 The planned trip to Back Ridge Hut changed when we reached the turn-off for the viewing point on Kaweka Road, on our way up to Makahu Saddle. We jointly decided that some of us would do the round trip to Iron Whare, Kaweka Flats Biv, and… [Read More]
A meeting of minds gets a dim view of events
Makahu Saddle-Middle Hill Hut, Wednesday Sept 10, 2008. Map: U20 Trampers: Alison Greer, Rosemary Jeffrey, Julia Mackie, Jeanne Van den Hout, Liz Stringer, Loretta Pearson, Robyn Smith, Penny and Arthur Mead, Graham Bell, Gary Bowler, Vic Bullock, Paul Exeter, Kelvin Shaw, Manfred Hausler, Peter Flagter, John Marshall, Ken Ross, Ron Morison, Murray White, Barry Motley… [Read More]