Smith Stream, Ruahine Tops, Waikamaka Hut, Waipawa River, Sat-Mon 6-8 February 2021. Maps: BL36 and BK36 Photos by Phil Enticott and Julia Mackie The planned tramp was changed to make it easier for bodies that aren’t getting any younger. But it was still no walk in the park. It started at the Waipawa River car… [Read More]
Red lining a few more Ruahine Forest Park tops
Smith Stream Hut, Ruahine Forest Park, ANZAC weekend, April 25/26 2015. Maps: BK36 and BL36 Les and I are gradually crossing off parts of the Ruahine Forest Park that we have not tramped (it’s called ‘red lining’). The trip this weekend was to complete a circuit of the Ruahine tops, and spend a night in… [Read More]
An historic hut in a beautiful sunny spot
Smith Stream Hut, Ruahine FP, Saturday/Sunday October 19-20 2013 Maps: BK36/BL36 This was a weekend where Alison and I were joined by the day tramp party for part of the walk up to the tributary stream which takes you down to Smith Stream Hut. It was also a weekend where we enjoyed seeing many different… [Read More]