Club Night Thursday 28 March
A reminder that there is no club meeting on Thursday 28 March, as Good Friday is 29 March with Easter Weekend activities.
Easter Tramp
Mt Maungatautari – click here for information. Please add names to the tramp registration form. Come and join us, partners and friends most welcome.
FMC President’s Letter to Club
Please see the letter from Megan Dimozantos, FMC President to all club members. NTC is a member of the FMC, and part of your subsciption goes towards this membership.
Our 50th Anniversary
We have created a website page where all the information will be placed on events being planned for this celebration. It can be found under ‘History’.
Dwarf Alpine Senecio
We have posted another new banner photo. The flowers were photographed in early February on Studholme Saddle.
Wilding pine update
Graham Leech reports:
DoC is pleased with our progress at The Lakes – whilst we haven’t eradicated all pines, we certainly have them under control. DoC has asked if we might start a new area (and revisit The Lakes less often, on a control basis).
Giles, Di, Sue and I broke new ground last week with our first visit to Kohinga. For those of you who don’t know this area, it is just south of The Lakes on the other side of the main road. Kohinga no longer has public access (it is surrounded by PanPac forest and locked gates) but is a peak that is 1009m also known as Bonny Mary, part of the DoC estate. We have access for this work, so joining us one day will enable you to visit an area otherwise restricted.
There used to be a track to the top but this is now badly overgrown. We established a pink ribbon trail to the top during the day and will improve this over time. Unlike The Lakes, there are few smaller pines but plenty of bigger ones. Between the four of us, we dealt with 144 on the day.
We will advertise our next date soon – Giles and I are both travelling in the next month though so if you don’t hear from us we haven’t given up the fight – just having a rest!
Ruahine User Group Minutes of February 19 2024 Meeting
Julia attended this meeting via Teams (saved driving to Dannevirke)
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