Our 50th Anniversary
We have created a website page where all the information will be placed on events being planned for this celebration. It can be found under ‘History’.
Tramp List
The tramping programme for the first six months of 2024 has been finalised. Head over to the Trip List to see what’s planned.
Wilding pine update
Graham Leech reports:
The next two dates are Tuesday 13 February at The Lakes and Tuesday 12 March at Kohinga (the new block – not far from the Lakes). It’s pure coincidence they are both Tuesdays so sorry for those that can’t do that day of the week – there will definitely be other days later in the year.
Usual plan for both: Meet at Omahu/Fernhill at 8am to share transport; return by 4pm at the latest. Let me know if you are interested in joining us.
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