Wilding Pine Update
Just Di Reid (NTC) and I on Tuesday 20 September….but we managed a decent haul. Quite a few in the northern most tip near the Lakes Carpark and then a few more on the north-eastern slopes of the second, smaller lake. I took the poisoning gear and dealt to a few larger ones too (> 6in diameter).
We remarked that we really have made a difference over the last year – the pines are much tougher to find now and that is a mark of our progress.
Our next scheduled day is Friday 14th October.
Best regards
Graham Leech
Labour Weekend Tramp – Sat 22-Sun 23 October
It has been decided that the tramp over Labour Weekend will not be a three night tramp as originally planned. It has been changed to an overnighter to Rocks Ahead Hut starting from Makahu Saddle. This is due to some members only wanting to spend two days out, and the liklihood that there will be many others in the Kaweka Forest Park. The Tramp Registration Form has been amended.
Revised Tramp List
We have updated the Tramp List. It now includes the Kaimai tramp at the end of October, into November.Trip List July to December 2022 V2
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