Mangamate Hut, Whirinaki FP, Sat/Sun 23/24 March 2019 Banner Pix: The weekenders before leaving Mangamate Hut Nine trampers in two vehicles left SH5 for an hour’s drive to the Plateau car park over a very bumpy, pot-holed shingle road – not designed for cars. At 9.30, we headed off along the uphill track leading to… [Read More]
Our rare trip to the Tararuas – with even rarer weather
Totara Flats, 22-23 September 2018 Tararua FP. Map: BP33 Two carloads of seven trampers drove south to Masterton to tramp in the Tararuas. We decided that one carload would start from the Holdsworth Lodge car park northwest of Masterton, with the other group to begin from Waiohine Gorge Road end, north of Carterton. We would… [Read More]