Contents: NTC Resolution on DoC Operational Proposed Changes Trip List Changes Ruahine User Group Meeting Kapiti Island NTC Resolution on DoC Operational Proposed Changes I attach the email that has been sent to Lou Sanson and Maggie Barry ref. the club’s resolution at our meeting on Thursday 22 September, 2016. ntc-resolution-onga-onga And Lou Sanson’s immediate… [Read More]
August 2016 News
Contents: Ruahine Use Group Operations Update from the Operations Manager, Ken Mills. Kapiti Island Ruahine User Group Update Ken Mills, Operations Managaer, DoC reports to the Ruahine User Group August 15, 2016. I have just spoken to a chap who spent Saturday night at Sunrise hut. There is snow on the track from about the… [Read More]
June 2016 News
Contents: Ruahine Use Group Operations Update Safety in the mountains Ruahine User Group Update Ken Mills, Operations Managaer, DoC reports to the Ruahine User Group Well winter has finally hit us. Put those shorts away, grab the longs, get more wood for the fire. There is snow on the hills behind the village of Takapau,… [Read More]
May 2016 News
Contents: AGM – May 5 Kelvin Shaw was elected as our Club President. Geoff Donkin is the Secretary. See the contacts page for the full details of this year’s NTC committee. Safety in the Mountains We have recently seen two expensive rescues involving club members – and none of the incidents occurred “in the mountains”…. [Read More]
April 2016 News
Contents: Federated Mountain Club Executive Ruahine User Group – Operations Report Federated Mountain Club Executive You will know by reading the March Bulletin and a recent mailing to your club that it is that time of year when nominations for FMC Executive are called for. The Central Region covers a big chunk of tramping country… [Read More]
March 2016 News
Contents: Additional Tramp Dates Te Puia Hut Federated Mountain Club Executive Extra tramps We suggested that we put some additional tramps onto the trip list, as we were not able to do the tramps due to high winds last year. March 19th – Longivew Hut, Makaretu Hut, Awatere Hut, Moorcock Saddle. Please let us… [Read More]
February 2016 News
Contents: Additional Tramp Dates Ruahine User Group Meeting Extra tramps We suggested that we put some additional tramps onto the trip list, as we were not able to do the tramps due to high winds last year. They are: February 20th – Sunrise Hut to Sparrowhawk Biv. March 19th – Longivew Hut, Makaretu Hut, Awatere… [Read More]
January 2016 News
Contents: Heretaunga Tramping Club A combined tramp with HTC has been agreed to take place on Saturday/Sunday, 30/31 January, 2016. This has now changed from Waikamaka Hut to Kiwi Saddle Hut in the Kaweka FP. This is a chance to get to know our fellow Hawke’s Bay trampers. There are several option on how you… [Read More]
November 2015 News
Contents: DoC Permit Big Hill Station Heretaunga Tramping Club Auckland Tramping Club Christmas Bbq Mohi Bush Working Bees – DoC DoC Permit We entered the ballot for Big Hill Station and were awarded the week from 1st to 7th January 2016. Please let us know if you wish to go on a tramp in this… [Read More]
October 2015 News
Contents: DoC Permit Big Hill Station Hertaunga Tramping Club Auckland Tramping Club Trip Planning Meetings Christmas Bbq DoC Permit We entered the ballot for Big Hill Station and were awarded the week from 1st to 7th January 2016. Please let us know if you wish to go on a tramp in this area. We are… [Read More]
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